准入授权配置文件有时候分了好几个维度进行配置,例如 company|product|sys这种格式的配置:
1.配置 \"sina|weibo|pusher\" 表示 sina公司weibo产品pusher系统能够准入,而\"sina|weibo|sign\"不允许准入
2.配置 \"sina|*|pusher” 表示sina公司所有产品的pusher系统都能够准入
3.配置 “*|*|pusher” 表示所有公司的所有产品的pusher系统都能够准入
面对这个需求我第一时间想的是如何设计模式串,如何快速实现功能,因为我现在写的是一个C服务,所以我首先出现在我脑海的是一大堆strchr(XXX, ‘*\'), strchr(XXX, ‘|\')等等东西,后面发现这个东西没有必要自己造轮子,有现成的函数可以用,那就是fnmatch.
#include <iostream> #include <fnmatch.h> #include <vector> using namespace std; int main() { const char* orgin_str = \"sina|weibo|pusher\"; char pattern_arr[][20] = { {\"sina|*|pusher\"}, {\"sina|*|*\"}, {\"*|weibo|*\"}, //不能被匹配的 {\"sina|pic|*\"}, {\"*|*|sign\"}, {\"*|weibo|sign\"}, {\"*|pic|sign\"}, {\"sina|pic|sign\"}, {\"*|*|*\"} }; static int pattern_arr_size = sizeof(pattern_arr) / sizeof(pattern_arr[0]); vector<char *> vec_str; for(int i = 0; i < pattern_arr_size; i ++) { vec_str.push_back(pattern_arr[i]); } int ret; int z = 0; while(z < 1){ for(int i = 0; i < vec_str.size(); i++) { ret = fnmatch(vec_str.at(i), orgin_str, FNM_PATHNAME); if(FNM_NOMATCH == ret){ cout<<\"sorry I\'m failed [\"<< vec_str.at(i) <<\"]\"<<endl; } } ++z; } }
需求满足了,我担心的还有一个问题,那就是性能,注释掉cout输出,将while z语句调至1,000,000,重新编译跑一下:
time ./fnmatch
看来效率还不错,2.1s 进行了100W次匹配,平均2us一次,性能要求也满足了...
#ifdef OS_WINDOWS /* Bits set in the FLAGS argument to `fnmatch\'. copy from fnmatch.h(linux) */ #define FNM_PATHNAME (1 << 0) /* No wildcard can ever match `/\'. */ #define FNM_NOESCAPE (1 << 1) /* Backslashes don\'t quote special chars. */ #define FNM_PERIOD (1 << 2) /* Leading `.\' is matched only explicitly. */ #define FNM_NOMATCH 1 #define fnmatch fnmatch_win /**copy from Google-glog*/ bool SafeFNMatch(const char* pattern,size_t patt_len,const char* str,size_t str_len) { size_t p = 0; size_t s = 0; while (1) { if (p == patt_len && s == str_len) return true; if (p == patt_len) return false; if (s == str_len) return p+1 == patt_len && pattern[p] == \'*\'; if (pattern[p] == str[s] || pattern[p] == \'?\') { p += 1; s += 1; continue; } if (pattern[p] == \'*\') { if (p+1 == patt_len) return true; do { if (SafeFNMatch(pattern+(p+1), patt_len-(p+1), str+s, str_len-s)) { return true; } s += 1; } while (s != str_len); return false; } return false; } } /**注意:Windows平台下尚未实现最后一个参数flags的功能!!!*/ int fnmatch_win(const char *pattern, const char *name, int flags = 0) { if(SafeFNMatch(pattern,strlen(pattern),name,strlen(name))) return 0; else return FNM_NOMATCH; } #else #include <fnmatch.h> #endif int main() { const char* orgin_str = \"sina|weibo|pusher\"; char pattern_arr[][20] = { {\"sina|*|pusher\"}, {\"sina|*|*\"}, {\"*|weibo|*\"}, //不能被匹配的 {\"sina|pic|*\"}, {\"*|*|sign\"}, {\"*|weibo|sign\"}, {\"*|pic|sign\"}, {\"sina|pic|sign\"}, {\"*|*|*\"} }; static int pattern_arr_size = sizeof(pattern_arr) / sizeof(pattern_arr[0]); vector<char *> vec_str; for(int i = 0; i < pattern_arr_size; i ++) { vec_str.push_back(pattern_arr[i]); } std::cout << \"Origin Str: \" << orgin_str << \"\\n\\n\"; int ret; for(int i = 0; i < vec_str.size(); i++) { ret = fnmatch(vec_str.at(i), orgin_str, FNM_PATHNAME); if(ret == FNM_NOMATCH) { cout<<\"sorry, I\'m failed: [\"<< vec_str.at(i) <<\"]\\n\"; } else { cout<<\"OK, I\'m success: [\"<< vec_str.at(i) <<\"]\\n\"; } } return 0; }
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