1. 通过accessControl:
public function filters() { return array( \'accessControl\', // perform access control for CRUD operations ); } /** * Specifies the access control rules. * This method is used by the \'accessControl\' filter. * @return array access control rules */ public function accessRules() { return array( array(\'allow\', // allow authenticated users to access all actions \'users\'=>array(\'@\'), ), array(\'deny\', // deny all users \'users\'=>array(\'*\'), ), ); }
2. 通过插件(如:right)
public function filters() { return array( \'rights\', ); }
3. 混合模式:
/** * @return array action filters */ public function filters() { return array( \'updateOwn + update\', // Apply this filter only for the update action. \'rights\', ); } /** * Filter method for checking whether the currently logged in user * is the author of the post being accessed. */ public function filterUpdateOwn($filterChain) { $post=$this->loadModel(); // Remove the \'rights\' filter if the user is updating an own post // and has the permission to do so. if(Yii::app()->user->checkAccess(\'PostUpdateOwn\', array(\'userid\'=>$post->author_id))) $filterChain->removeAt(1); $filterChain->run(); }
public function allowedActions() { return \'autocomplate,autocomplate2\'; }
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