using System; using System.Text; using System.Collections; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; namespace WindowHider { /// <summary> /// Object used to control a Windows Form. /// </summary> public class Window { /// <summary> /// Win32 API Imports /// </summary> [DllImport(\"user32.dll\")] private static extern bool ShowWindowAsync(IntPtr hWnd, int nCmdShow); [DllImport(\"user32.dll\")] private static extern bool SetForegroundWindow(IntPtr hWnd); [DllImport(\"user32.dll\")] private static extern bool IsIconic(IntPtr hWnd); [DllImport(\"user32.dll\")] private static extern bool IsZoomed(IntPtr hWnd); [DllImport(\"user32.dll\")] private static extern IntPtr GetForegroundWindow(); [DllImport(\"user32.dll\")] private static extern IntPtr GetWindowThreadProcessId(IntPtr hWnd, IntPtr ProcessId); [DllImport(\"user32.dll\")] private static extern IntPtr AttachThreadInput(IntPtr idAttach, IntPtr idAttachTo, int fAttach); /// <summary> /// Win32 API Constants for ShowWindowAsync() /// </summary> private const int SW_HIDE = 0; private const int SW_SHOWNORMAL = 1; private const int SW_SHOWMINIMIZED = 2; private const int SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED = 3; private const int SW_SHOWNOACTIVATE = 4; private const int SW_RESTORE = 9; private const int SW_SHOWDEFAULT = 10; /// <summary> /// Private Fields /// </summary> private IntPtr m_hWnd; private string m_Title; private bool m_Visible = true; private string m_Process; private bool m_WasMax = false; /// <summary> /// Window Object\'s Public Properties /// </summary> public IntPtr hWnd { get{return m_hWnd;} } public string Title { get{return m_Title;} } public string Process { get{return m_Process;} } /// <summary> /// Sets this Window Object\'s visibility /// </summary> public bool Visible { get{return m_Visible;} set { //show the window if(value == true) { if(m_WasMax) { if(ShowWindowAsync(m_hWnd,SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED)) m_Visible = true; } else { if(ShowWindowAsync(m_hWnd,SW_SHOWNORMAL)) m_Visible = true; } } //hide the window if(value == false) { m_WasMax = IsZoomed(m_hWnd); if(ShowWindowAsync(m_hWnd,SW_HIDE)) m_Visible = false; } } } /// <summary> /// Constructs a Window Object /// </summary> /// <param name=\"Title\">Title Caption</param> /// <param name=\"hWnd\">Handle</param> /// <param name=\"Process\">Owning Process</param> public Window(string Title, IntPtr hWnd, string Process) { m_Title = Title; m_hWnd = hWnd; m_Process = Process; } //Override ToString() public override string ToString() { //return the title if it has one, if not return the process name if (m_Title.Length > 0) { return m_Title; } else { return m_Process; } } /// <summary> /// Sets focus to this Window Object /// </summary> public void Activate() { if(m_hWnd == GetForegroundWindow()) return; IntPtr ThreadID1 = GetWindowThreadProcessId(GetForegroundWindow(), IntPtr.Zero); IntPtr ThreadID2 = GetWindowThreadProcessId(m_hWnd,IntPtr.Zero); if (ThreadID1 != ThreadID2) { AttachThreadInput(ThreadID1,ThreadID2,1); SetForegroundWindow(m_hWnd); AttachThreadInput(ThreadID1,ThreadID2,0); } else { SetForegroundWindow(m_hWnd); } if (IsIconic(m_hWnd)) { ShowWindowAsync(m_hWnd,SW_RESTORE); } else { ShowWindowAsync(m_hWnd,SW_SHOWNORMAL); } } } /// <summary> /// Collection used to enumerate Window Objects /// </summary> public class Windows : IEnumerable, IEnumerator { /// <summary> /// Win32 API Imports /// </summary> [DllImport(\"user32.dll\")] private static extern int GetWindowText(int hWnd, StringBuilder title, int size); [DllImport(\"user32.dll\")] private static extern int GetWindowModuleFileName(int hWnd, StringBuilder title, int size); [DllImport(\"user32.dll\")] private static extern int EnumWindows(EnumWindowsProc ewp, int lParam); [DllImport(\"user32.dll\")] private static extern bool IsWindowVisible(int hWnd); //delegate used for EnumWindows() callback function public delegate bool EnumWindowsProc(int hWnd, int lParam); private int m_Position = -1; // holds current index of wndArray, // necessary for IEnumerable ArrayList wndArray = new ArrayList(); //array of windows //Object\'s private fields private bool m_invisible = false; private bool m_notitle = false; /// <summary> /// Collection Constructor with additional options /// </summary> /// <param name=\"Invisible\">Include invisible Windows</param> /// <param name=\"Untitled\">Include untitled Windows</param> public Windows(bool Invisible, bool Untitled) { m_invisible = Invisible; m_notitle = Untitled; //Declare a callback delegate for EnumWindows() API call EnumWindowsProc ewp = new EnumWindowsProc(EvalWindow); //Enumerate all Windows EnumWindows(ewp, 0); } /// <summary> /// Collection Constructor /// </summary> public Windows() { //Declare a callback delegate for EnumWindows() API call EnumWindowsProc ewp = new EnumWindowsProc(EvalWindow); //Enumerate all Windows EnumWindows(ewp, 0); } //EnumWindows CALLBACK function private bool EvalWindow(int hWnd, int lParam) { if (m_invisible == false && !IsWindowVisible(hWnd)) return(true); StringBuilder title = new StringBuilder(256); StringBuilder module = new StringBuilder(256); GetWindowModuleFileName(hWnd, module, 256); GetWindowText(hWnd, title, 256); if (m_notitle == false && title.Length == 0) return(true); wndArray.Add(new Window(title.ToString(), (IntPtr)hWnd, module.ToString())); return(true); } //implement IEnumerable public IEnumerator GetEnumerator() { return (IEnumerator)this; } //implement IEnumerator public bool MoveNext() { m_Position++; if (m_Position < wndArray.Count) { return true; } else { return false; } } public void Reset() { m_Position = -1; } public object Current { get { return wndArray[m_Position]; } } } }
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Windows.Forms; namespace drmaple { class HotKey { //如果函数执行成功,返回值不为0。 //如果函数执行失败,返回值为0。要得到扩展错误信息,调用GetLastError。 [DllImport(\"user32.dll\", SetLastError = true)] public static extern bool RegisterHotKey( IntPtr hWnd, //要定义热键的窗口的句柄 int id, //定义热键ID(不能与其它ID重复) KeyModifiers fsModifiers, //标识热键是否在按Alt、Ctrl、Shift、Windows等键时才会生效 Keys vk //定义热键的内容 ); [DllImport(\"user32.dll\", SetLastError = true)] public static extern bool UnregisterHotKey( IntPtr hWnd, //要取消热键的窗口的句柄 int id //要取消热键的ID ); //定义了辅助键的名称(将数字转变为字符以便于记忆,也可去除此枚举而直接使用数值) [Flags()] public enum KeyModifiers { None = 0, Alt = 1, Ctrl = 2, Shift = 4, WindowsKey = 8 } } } //简单说明一下: //“public static extern bool RegisterHotKey()”这个函数用于注册热键。由于这个函数需要引用user32.dll动态链接库后才能使用,并且 //user32.dll是非托管代码,不能用命名空间的方式直接引用,所以需要用“DllImport”进行引入后才能使用。于是在函数前面需要加上 //“[DllImport(\"user32.dll\", SetLastError = true)]”这行语句。 //“public static extern bool UnregisterHotKey()”这个函数用于注销热键,同理也需要用DllImport引用user32.dll后才能使用。 //“public enum KeyModifiers{}”定义了一组枚举,将辅助键的数字代码直接表示为文字,以方便使用。这样在调用时我们不必记住每一个辅 //助键的代码而只需直接选择其名称即可。 //(2)以窗体FormA为例,介绍HotKey类的使用 //在FormA的Activate事件中注册热键,本例中注册Shift+S,Ctrl+Z,Alt+D这三个热键。这里的Id号可任意设置,但要保证不被重复。 private void Form_Activated(object sender, EventArgs e) { //注册热键Shift+S,Id号为100。HotKey.KeyModifiers.Shift也可以直接使用数字4来表示。 HotKey.RegisterHotKey(Handle, 100, HotKey.KeyModifiers.Shift, Keys.S); //注册热键Ctrl+B,Id号为101。HotKey.KeyModifiers.Ctrl也可以直接使用数字2来表示。 HotKey.RegisterHotKey(Handle, 101, HotKey.KeyModifiers.Ctrl, Keys.B); //注册热键Alt+D,Id号为102。HotKey.KeyModifiers.Alt也可以直接使用数字1来表示。 HotKey.RegisterHotKey(Handle, 102, HotKey.KeyModifiers.Alt, Keys.D); } //在FormA的Leave事件中注销热键。 private void FrmSale_Leave(object sender, EventArgs e) { //注销Id号为100的热键设定 HotKey.UnregisterHotKey(Handle, 100); //注销Id号为101的热键设定 HotKey.UnregisterHotKey(Handle, 101); //注销Id号为102的热键设定 HotKey.UnregisterHotKey(Handle, 102); } 重载FromA中的WndProc函数 /// /// 监视Windows消息 /// 重载WndProc方法,用于实现热键响应 /// /// protected override void WndProc(ref Message m) { const int WM_HOTKEY = 0x0312; //按快捷键 switch (m.Msg) { case WM_HOTKEY: switch (m.WParam.ToInt32()) { case 100: //按下的是Shift+S //此处填写快捷键响应代码 break; case 101: //按下的是Ctrl+B //此处填写快捷键响应代码 break; case 102: //按下的是Alt+D //此处填写快捷键响应代码 break; } break; } base.WndProc(ref m); }
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